Publications are organized by date. 1 denotes co-authored with student(s), 2 denotes co-authored with service users and/or community partner(s). Please contact us to request a copy of any publications below.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Goulden, A. (2025). “I’m worthy of having experiences just like everybody else”: Exploring sexual well-being among young disabled people. Disability & Society.
Goulden, A. (2024). “Everybody has a body, so we need to talk about sexual well-being”: Young disabled people’s suggestions for sex-positive social work practice. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 1-13.
Goulden, A. (2024). “A lot of social workers don’t seem to understand or realize the harm that they cause”: Disabled young people’s experiences with sexual well-being in social work practice. The British Journal of Social Work, 1-25.
1,2 Pacheco, L., Mercerat, C., Auno, M., Cousineau, M., Goulden, A., Swab, M., Brenton, B., & Moyo, S. (2024). Uncovering reproductive injustice towards women with disabilities: A scoping review. International Perspectives in Psychology: Research, Practice, Consultation, 13(3), 164-174.
Baird, S., & Goulden, A. (2024). Re-imagining neoliberal ideologies in social work education using critical feminist and disability theories: A phenomenological autoethnographic account. Journal of Sociology and Social Welfare, LI(1/2), 358-369.
2 Adamson, K., Goulden, A., Logan, J., & Hammond, J. (2024). Service user involvement in social work education: A scoping review. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 43(2), 374-392.
2 Ho, C., Goulden, A., Hubley, D., Adamson, K., Hammond, J., & Zarem, A. (2024). Teaching and Facilitation Course for Family as Faculty: Preparing families to be faculty partners in healthcare education. Clinical Social Work Journal, 52, 23-36.
1 King, B., Goulden, A., Appiah, J., Wong, F., & Chowdhury, R. (2024). “Because I’m young”: Experiences of young mothers with child welfare involvement. Clinical Social Work Journal, 52, 150-168.
1 Goulden, A., Singh, R., & Smith Carrier, T. (2024). Teaching Note—Incorporating universal instructional design in social work education: A practical application. Journal of Social Work Education, 60(4), 632-639.
1 Goulden, A., Kattari, S., Slayter, E., & Norris, S. (2023). “Disability is an art. It’s an ingenious way to live”: Integrating disability justice principles and critical feminisms in social work to promote inclusion and antiableism in professional praxis. Affilia, 38(4), 732-741.
1,2 Goulden, A., Baird, S., Romme, K., Pacheco, L., Norris, S., Norris, D., Faye, L., MacNeil, S., & Pittman, J. (2023). Experiences of gender-based violence among disabled women: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis protocol. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 22.
1 Goulden, A., Hoekstra, K., & King, B. (2023). A scoping review of programs for young mothers with child welfare involvement in Canada and the United States. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 40, 299-312.
Slayter, E., Kattari, S., Yakas, L., Singh, R., Goulden, A., Taylor, S., Wernick, L., Simmons, L., Prince, D. (2023). Beyond ramps, curb cuts, and captions: A call for disability justice in social work. Social Work, 68(1), 89-92.
Goulden, A., Mann, L., Norris, D., & Rossiter, M. (2023). Working mothers’ infant feeding experiences during their children’s transition to childcare: A qualitative study. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 32, 2214-2228.
Craig, S., McInroy, L., Goulden, A., & Eaton, A. (2021). Engaging the senses in qualitative research via multimodal coding: Triangulating transcript, audio, and video data in a study with sexual and gender minority youth. International Journal of Qualitative Research, 20, 1-12.
Goulden, A. (2021). A critical review of social work interventions and programs that support disabled youth with their sexual well-being. Journal of Social Work Practice, 35(4), 403-417.
Craig, S. L., McInroy, L. B., Goulden, A., Eaton, A. D., Kourgiantakis, T., Bogo, M., Adamson, K., Iacono, G., Gagliarda, L., Krasovec, T., Small, M. (2021). The health social work competency rating scale: Development of a tool for education and practice. Social Work Education: The International Journal, 40(7), 928-941.
Goulden, A. (2020). Disability competency in social work education: Tools for practice teaching. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 17(2), 61-77.
King, B., Fallon, B., Goulden, A., O’Connor, C. & Filippelli, J. (2019). What constitutes risk for young mothers? An examination of child protection investigations involving adolescent and transition-age mothers. Families in Society, 100(4), 409-421.
Goulden, A. (2019). The first year. Families, Systems, & Health, 37(2), 181-182.
Government Report
1,2 Goulden, A., Baird, S. L., Norris, S., Ajike, T., Lewis, V., Romme, K., Pacheco, L., Norris, D., & Faye, L. (2023). Experiences of gender-based violence among disabled women: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC), Women and Gender Equality Canada.
Book Chapters
MacDonald, J., Singh, R., Norris, S, & Goulden, A. (2024). Trauma, (dis)Ability, and chronic pain: Taking up sufferer-informed practices. In C. Brown (Eds.), Reframing Trauma through Social Justice. Routledge.
Goulden, A. (2024). Young disabled people and sexual well-being. In S. Kattari (Editor), Exploring sexuality and disability: A guide for academics and health and human service professionals. Routledge.
Goulden, A. & Kattari, S. (2022). Sexual orientation, sexuality, and the disability community. In E. Slayter & L. Johnson (Editors), Social work practice and the disability community: An intersectional anti-oppressive approach. Pressbooks.
Smith Carrier, T., Goulden, A., Singh, R. (2021). Implementing universal design for learning in social work education: A strengths perspective. In F. Fovet (Editor), Handbook of Research on Applying Universal Design for Learning Across Disciplines: Concepts, Case Studies, and Practical Implementation. IGI Global.
Encyclopedia Entry
King, B., Goulden, A., & Williams, K. (2021). Early pregnancy and parenthood among child welfare–involved youth. Oxford Bibliographies in Social Work. New York: Oxford University Press.