The Joint Conference on Social Work, Education, and Social Development (SWSD) is a biannual conference jointly organized by the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW), the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), and the International Council on Social Welfare (ICSW). The 2024 SWSD Conference was held in Panamá City, Panamá from April 4 to 7. Approximately 1,500 social work professionals attended from over 81 countries.
Dr. Goulden had the opportunity to present various works over three sessions. The titles of the presentations are listed below.
Session: Inclusive Social Policies and Legislation (April 4)
Title: Deconstructing resilience: Implications of neoliberal-ableism and structural trauma on (dis)Abled people and communities
This work was lead by Dr. Judy MacDonald, Director of the School of Social Work, Dalhousie University (see photo).
Session: Disability (Part 1) (April 6)
Title: Promoting inclusion and diversity with universal design for learning in social work education
Session: Disability (Part 2) (April 6)
Title: Experiences of gender-based violence among disabled women: A qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis

The 2026 SWSD Conference will be held from June 26 to June 29 in Karibu, Kenya. You can learn more about the conference by visiting this link: https://swsd2024.org.pa/